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Friday, October 21, 2016

What Does Your Best Look Like?

My team and I recently put together a list of personal and professional goals that we're committing to over the next few months. They range from better focus on lead generation to getting to bed on time every night. 

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As a real estate agent, what does your best look like? As a team, we got together and built a list that we're going to leave up for a couple of months as a reminder.

What can we commit to? At our past team meeting, we each picked one item to commit to, and here's what we put together for both personal and professional goals:

  • Two to four hours of focused lead generation daily. You can lead generate, but if you're not focused, you're not going to get the results you want.
  • 30 minutes per day of script practice. We do script practice in the office two days a week for about an hour, so they've got to be doing some script practice on their own if they want to do their best.
  • Two appointments per week.
  • Wake up early. Maybe this means you've got to be in bed by 10 p.m. This might also mean unplugging before bed because there are studies that show if you're attached to your phone or watching TV before bed, it messes up your sleep.
  • Eating healthy.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Read 30 minutes a day. This is huge for your mindset. If you're not spending about 30 minutes per day reading and working on your mindset, the rest of this stuff doesn't really matter, because you're not going to do it anyway!
  • Be at the office on time every time. How you show up here is how you show up out in the world, so if you're not showing up on time at the office, how are you going to show up on time for your clients?
  • Staying on your time block. This one is huge. If you say you're going to lead generate from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. every day, just do it and be focused!
  • Afternoon lead generation if you have no active clients. If you don't have appointments with people who want to buy or sell a house, you need to be at the office prospecting in the afternoon. As a newer agent, what else do you have to do? On my team, we do the transaction coordination for you, so there are no excuses.
  • What can you do every day to get uncomfortable? You should do something outside of your comfort zone every day. Outside of your comfort zone is your money zone.

Outside your comfort zone is your money zone.

I hope you can take something valuable from this list we put together. If you're thinking about joining a real estate team, just give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!